Used Kia Offers

from Vantage in Scarborough

Based on Dunslow Road in Scarborough, Vantage Kia is perfectly placed to serve Scarborough, Bridlington and Filey with the very best stock of quality used Kia vehicles. As an official Kia partner, all of our cars are manufacturer-approved and checked by us, which is your guarantee of the highest quality. Couple this with our reputation for the best in customer service and there's no better place to find your next car!

What's more, you'll always find a range of special offers available across our stock of used vehicles, all with flexible finance available. From cherished pre-owned Kia models to ex-demonstrator cars, all our stock vehicles here represents significant savings on our already competitive prices.

Our knowledgeable team are always on hand to help with any questions you might have and can assist you in finding the perfect used car for your requirements. We also have a team of experts that guarantee every used car we put on sale excels at meeting our high standards of performance and safety.

Start looking through our current offers on used cars below. If you have a question or want to discuss any details you can contact us online by submitting an enquiry form or speaking to our live chat agents, alternatively call us directly over the phone at our dealership in Scarborough.